When to Leave a Nursing Home and Move Back Home
Leaving a nursing home to return home is a goal for many residents and their families, but it requires careful consideration. While returning home is a good move for some, it won't work for everyone. A nursing home stay does not have to be permanent. Many residents...

How Much Should a Trustee Be Compensated?
Serving as a trustee of a trust can be a huge responsibility, so trustees are entitled to compensation for their work. The amount of compensation depends on the type of trustee and the complexity of the trust. Depending on the trust, a trustee’s duties can include...

When to Avoid Naming a Trust as Beneficiary of Your Retirement Plan
Naming a trust as a beneficiary of your retirement plan can be a good idea in some circumstances, but it can be dangerous if you are worried about creditors coming after your estate. There are a lot of good reasons to name a trust as beneficiary of a retirement plan,...

What Will Happen When the Gift and Estate Tax Exemption Gets Cut in Half?
Although the vast majority of Americans have estates that fall under the estate and gift tax exemption, the exemption is set to be cut in half in 2026. Proper planning may be necessary to make sure you are taking full advantage of the current exemption and aren’t...

Be Careful Not to Name Minors as Your Beneficiaries
Most people want to pass their assets to their children or grandchildren, but naming a minor as a beneficiary can have unintended consequences. It is important to make a plan that doesn’t involve leaving assets directly to a minor. There are two main problems with...

Who Makes Health Care Decisions If You Can’t?
Being able to make health care decisions for ourselves is so important to us, but what happens if you become incapacitated and are unable to voice your opinion? If you don’t have a health care proxy or guardian in place, state law chooses who can make those decisions....

Make Sure Your Estate Plan and Other Essential Documents Are Safe from Disasters
It’s an unfortunate reality that with the increasing number of natural disasters across the country, including fires, floods, and hurricanes, the chance that you could lose your house and possessions has become more likely. In the event of such a calamity, it is...

In 2022, Social Security Beneficiaries Will See the Biggest Increase in 39 Years
The year was 1983: The U.S. invaded Granada. A gallon of gas cost 96 cents. Michael Jackson’s ‘Thriller’ video premiered. That year was also the last time that Social Security recipients saw a cost-of-living increase steeper than the one just announced for 2022. This...

New Tax Proposals Mean Some Should Review Their Estate Plans
A number of tax proposals being considered in Congress could significantly affect gifting and estate plans for those with larger estates -- over $3.5 million. If you're in that category, you might want to meet with your estate planner to take advantage of gifting...

Married Couples Need an Estate Plan
Don’t assume your estate will automatically go to your spouse when you die. If you don’t have an estate plan, your spouse may have to share your estate with other family members. If you die without an estate plan, the state will decide where your assets go. Each state...